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Residence in Argosaronikos

Residence in Argosaronikos

Argosaronikos, Attica

Principal Architect:  Aris Kordas

Project Architect: Angeliki Labada

Design Team: Rallou Triantafyllidou, Myrto Xopapa

Construction Management: Stavros Rafailidis

  • Styling : Roula Strataki
  • Photos: George Vdokakis

Residence in Argosaronikos

The design of this minimal yet luxurious residence had a clear vision. Not only to design a modern space, but to create a dominant feeling of coziness and comfort as well. Furthermore, the most prominent feature of the design is the “line”. As a matter of fact, the line is the architectural element that guides us through the various spaces of the house. Moreover, the line forms design details and functional elements. Finally, the central linear custom made staircase,  dominates in the entrance hall.

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